Friday, June 3, 2011

Academic Service Learning with Video Presentation Rubric

Academic Service Learning Presentations
In the last week of the course, all RN-BSN students are required to present a video of their Academic Service Learning project that includes a powerpoint presentation or a poster presentation. The content of the powerpoint or poster is to focus on the objectives of the academic service learning project. This presentation is a requirement for the course.
We strongly urge all students not to spend a significant amount of money on these presentations. The only requirement is that your poster/slides should be able to be displayed on a free-standing tri-fold measuring 48” x 36”.
Tips for Creating Scholarly Posters:
·       Posters can be created in Microsoft Powerpoint (ppt.)
·       Most posters are done in landscape format.
·       To add content, make a “text box” using ppt. Make modifications to font and style if desired.
·       May include tables or figures on poster using ppt.
·       May include graphics or pictures for appeal
·       Rule of thumb is that you should have no more than 12 parts to a large poster
·       Poster should be professional, logical, and easy to read, but should also be appealing to those that may be passing by
·       Font should be large enough to read without being right on top of the poster.
·       Posters should tell a story. The main purpose or goal of the project should be clearly identifiable (either at the left hand upper corner or large in the center).
·       A poster should not read like an essay. Only brief ideas/content should be provided, usually in the form of bullets.
·       Include your name/credentials on the poster underneath the title across the top of the poster. References may be on a separate hand-out if there is not room to list them on the poster.
·       Additional tips on creating posters can be found on the following sites: